Praise and Worship Prayer Group
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, our group began at Pentecost in 2016 and
includes many parishioners from across the diocese.
• Helping cultivate the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives
• Bring depth to our personal prayer life
• Deepening our love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Trinity
• Providing an opportunity for adoration and individual prayer
We are often masters at petitioning God for our needs, often forgetting to
turn to Our Lord in praise and thanksgiving. Praise and thanksgiving is the
main focus of our group!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church shares many things about the
Holy Spirit, including:
736 By this power of the Spirit, God’s children can bear much fruit. He who
has grafted us onto the true vine will make us bear “the fruit of the
Spirit: . . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control.”129 “We live by the Spirit”; the more we renounce
ourselves, the more we “walk by the Spirit.”130
We begin with the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary, enter into praise and
worship, share an inspired teaching, followed by adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. Jan and Andrew Peters lead us in with beautiful praise music.
Every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary at St Elizabeth Ann
Seton and by Zoom (contact us with your email info to receive the Zoom
link). We welcome you to join us in praising God and growing deeper
in love of our Holy Catholic faith. Please call Shelly Pichler at
417-838-2730 for questions.
Powerpoint for Divine Mercy Litany talk